
Building a Community on TikTok: Tips for Genuine Engagement

Michael Brown

· 6 min read


TikTok has taken the world by storm, becoming one of the most popular social media platforms with millions of users worldwide. With its highly personalized content feed, the TikTok algorithm has sparked countless debates and speculations. In this article, we'll dive deep into some of the most common myths surrounding the TikTok algorithm and debunk them once and for all.

Myth 1: TikTok Only Promotes Popular Creators

One of the biggest misconceptions about TikTok is that the platform only promotes content from popular creators with large followings. This myth stems from the visibility of well-known influencers on the app, but the reality is quite different.

Reality Check:

The TikTok algorithm is designed to surface content based on user engagement and interests rather than the popularity of the creator. This means that even new or lesser-known creators have a chance to go viral if their content resonates with viewers. The "For You" page is curated based on a complex set of factors including watch time, shares, comments, and likes on individual videos, not the overall popularity of the creator.

💡 Tip: Focus on creating engaging and high-quality content rather than worrying about your follower count. TikTok's algorithm gives everyone a fair shot.

Myth 2: Using Popular Sounds Guarantees Virality

Many users believe that incorporating trending sounds or music into their videos will automatically boost their chances of going viral. While using popular sounds can certainly increase visibility, it's not a guaranteed formula for success.

Reality Check:

Trending sounds can help get your content noticed, but they are just one piece of the puzzle. The algorithm also takes into account the originality and engagement level of the content. Videos that provide value, entertainment, or a unique perspective are more likely to be promoted by the algorithm, regardless of the sounds used.

🔍 Insight: Instead of solely relying on trending sounds, focus on creating content that stands out and encourages interaction.

Myth 3: More Hashtags Mean More Views

Another widespread myth is that loading your videos with hashtags will result in more views. This belief likely stems from practices on other social media platforms where hashtags play a significant role in content discovery.

Reality Check:

While hashtags can help categorize your content and make it discoverable to users interested in specific topics, overloading your video with hashtags is not effective. TikTok's algorithm prefers content with relevant and specific hashtags that accurately describe the video. Quality over quantity is key here.

📈 Strategy: Use a few well-chosen hashtags that are relevant to your content and audience.

Myth 4: Posting Time Doesn't Matter

There's a myth that the timing of your posts on TikTok has no impact on their performance. Some users argue that since the algorithm determines visibility, the time of posting is irrelevant.

Reality Check:

While it's true that TikTok's algorithm works continuously, posting times can influence initial engagement. Videos posted when your target audience is most active are likely to gain more immediate engagement, which can positively influence the algorithm's promotion of your content.

Pro Tip: Experiment with different posting times and analyze your analytics to determine when your audience is most active.

Myth 5: Engagement Baiting is Effective

Engagement baiting refers to tactics where creators explicitly ask viewers to like, share, or comment on their videos to boost engagement metrics. This strategy is often seen as a quick way to game the algorithm.

Reality Check:

TikTok's algorithm is smart enough to detect and penalize engagement baiting. Authentic engagement is what truly matters. Content that naturally prompts viewers to interact is far more valuable than artificially inflated metrics.

🛑 Avoid: Instead of asking for engagement, create content that naturally encourages interaction through questions, challenges, or compelling storytelling.

Myth 6: Longer Videos Perform Better

Some users believe that creating longer videos will keep viewers engaged for a more extended period, thus favoring the algorithm.

Reality Check:

The length of the video should be determined by the content itself. Both short and long videos can perform well as long as they maintain viewer interest. The key metric is watch time; videos that keep viewers watching until the end are more likely to be promoted.

🎥 Content Tip: Focus on delivering value and maintaining viewer interest, regardless of the video's length.

Myth 7: Deleting Underperforming Videos Improves Your Profile

There's a myth that deleting videos that don’t perform well can improve your overall profile performance on TikTok.

Reality Check:

Deleting videos won't necessarily improve your profile's performance. TikTok's algorithm evaluates each video individually. Instead of deleting underperforming content, use it as a learning opportunity to understand what resonates with your audience and refine your future content strategy.

📚 Learn: Analyze why certain videos didn't perform well and adjust your approach accordingly.

Myth 8: TikTok Favors New Accounts

Some believe that TikTok gives preferential treatment to new accounts, making it easier for new users to go viral compared to established creators.

Reality Check:

While TikTok does promote new content to a wider audience to help users gain initial traction, it doesn't continuously favor new accounts over established ones. The algorithm rewards content based on engagement and quality, regardless of the account's age.

🌱 Growth Advice: Consistently create high-quality content and engage with your audience to maintain and grow your visibility over time.

Myth 9: The Algorithm is Entirely Random

A common frustration among users is the belief that the TikTok algorithm is entirely random, making it impossible to predict what will go viral.

Reality Check:

While there is an element of unpredictability, the TikTok algorithm is not entirely random. It uses machine learning to analyze user behavior and preferences, promoting content that aligns with these patterns. Understanding and leveraging the algorithm's key factors can significantly enhance your chances of success.

🔮 Prediction: Keep track of trends, engage with your audience, and continually refine your content strategy based on performance analytics.


Understanding the TikTok algorithm can be a game-changer for creators looking to grow their presence on the platform. By debunking these common myths, we hope to provide a clearer picture of how the algorithm works and how you can leverage it to your advantage.

Remember, the key to success on TikTok lies in creating engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Stay authentic, keep experimenting, and let the algorithm work in your favor.

"Success on TikTok isn't about hacking the algorithm; it's about connecting with your audience in meaningful ways."

Happy creating! 🎉