
The Best Times to Post on Facebook

Emily Johnson

· 6 min read

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and Facebook remains a dominant platform for both personal connections and business marketing. Understanding the best times to post on Facebook can significantly impact the engagement and reach of your content. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, it’s crucial to know when your audience is most active and receptive to your posts. This guide will delve into the optimal times for posting on Facebook, backed by data and practical insights.

Why Timing Matters

Timing is everything in the world of social media. Posting at the right time can lead to higher engagement rates, more likes, shares, comments, and even website traffic. Conversely, posting at the wrong time can result in your content getting lost in the ever-refreshing newsfeed.

Key Factors Influencing the Best Times to Post

  1. Audience Demographics: Age, location, occupation, and lifestyle of your audience can influence their online activity patterns.
  2. Industry: Different industries have different peak times for engagement.
  3. Content Type: The nature of your content (e.g., videos, images, links) can affect when it is best to post.
  4. Time Zones: Considering the time zones of your audience is crucial, especially for global brands.

General Best Times to Post on Facebook

Research from various social media analytics firms provides a general guideline for the best times to post on Facebook. Here are some aggregated findings:

Weekdays vs. Weekends

  • Weekdays: Generally, weekdays see higher engagement compared to weekends. Specifically, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are often highlighted as the most effective days.
  • Weekends: While weekends might not be as strong as weekdays, they still offer opportunities for engagement, particularly on Saturday.

Time of Day

  • Morning (9 AM - 11 AM): Engagement tends to be higher during mid-morning hours. People often check their social media after arriving at work or during their mid-morning breaks.
  • Afternoon (1 PM - 3 PM): Lunch breaks and the post-lunch lull can lead to increased Facebook activity. People tend to browse social media during their downtime.
  • Evening (7 PM - 9 PM): After-dinner hours also see a spike in engagement as people unwind and catch up on their social feeds.

Specific Recommendations

  • Wednesday at 11 AM and 1 PM: Many studies pinpoint this window as one of the peak times for Facebook engagement.
  • Thursday at 2 PM and 4 PM: Another high-engagement period, particularly useful for businesses targeting professionals.
  • Friday at 9 AM: As the workweek winds down, Friday morning posts can capture a more relaxed audience.

Tailoring Posting Times to Your Audience

While general trends are useful, tailoring your posting times to your specific audience will yield the best results. Here are steps to find your optimal posting times:

1. Analyze Your Audience Insights

Facebook's built-in analytics tool, Facebook Insights, is a valuable resource. It provides data on when your followers are online. To access this:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Click on Insights.
  3. Select Posts from the left-hand menu.

This section will show you the days and times when your audience is most active.

2. Experiment and Monitor

Use the data from Facebook Insights to test different posting times. Monitor the performance of your posts to see which times result in the highest engagement. Track metrics like likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates.

3. Consider Your Content Type

Different types of content may perform better at different times. For example:

  • Videos: Often perform well in the evening when users have more time to watch.
  • Articles and Links: Mid-morning or early afternoon can be ideal as people take breaks and browse.
  • Images: Visual content can be effective at various times, but late evening often sees good engagement.

4. Stay Updated with Trends

Social media trends can change, so it’s essential to stay updated. Follow industry reports, use social media management tools, and keep an eye on your analytics to adapt your strategy as needed.

Industry-Specific Insights

Different industries can have unique optimal posting times. Here’s a brief look at some industry-specific insights:


For retail brands, posting on Thursday and Friday at 1 PM and 2 PM tends to yield high engagement. Weekends, particularly Saturday around noon, can also be effective as people have more leisure time to browse.

Media and Entertainment

Media companies often see the best engagement during the evenings, from 7 PM to 9 PM, and on weekends. This aligns with when people are more likely to consume content for leisure.


Tech companies may find success posting on Tuesday and Wednesday at 2 PM. The tech audience tends to be active during work breaks and in the early evening.


For healthcare providers, early mornings (6 AM - 9 AM) and late evenings (8 PM - 10 PM) are ideal. This is when individuals might be seeking health information outside of work hours.


Nonprofits often see high engagement on Tuesday around 10 AM and on weekends. The audience for nonprofit content tends to engage during their free time, reflecting a deeper interest in the causes they support.

Utilizing Social Media Tools

Several tools can help optimize your Facebook posting strategy. Here are a few notable ones:

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite provides in-depth analytics and scheduling features. It allows you to auto-schedule posts at optimal times based on your audience's activity patterns.

2. Buffer

Buffer offers a user-friendly interface for scheduling posts and provides analytics to track performance. It suggests optimal posting times and can help streamline your social media strategy.

3. Sprout Social

Sprout Social offers robust analytics and reporting features. It helps identify the best times to post based on engagement data and audience activity.

4. Later

Later specializes in visual content planning and scheduling. It’s particularly useful for brands that rely heavily on image-based posts.


Determining the best times to post on Facebook involves a mix of general guidelines and tailored strategies. While weekdays, particularly mid-morning and early afternoon, tend to be high-engagement times, the specific behavior of your audience can vary. Utilizing tools like Facebook Insights, experimenting with different times, and staying updated with industry trends will help you refine your posting schedule.

Ultimately, the key is to remain flexible and responsive to your audience's behavior. Social media is a dynamic field, and what works today might change tomorrow. By continuously analyzing and adjusting your strategy, you can maximize your reach and engagement on Facebook, ensuring that your content resonates with your audience when they are most active and engaged.

Happy posting!